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Finding your path to financial success

Would you like to live on 30% of your current income?

Could you live on 30% of your current income?

Superannuation is very important to all Australians. Encouraging each Australian to provide for their own retirement is a major focus of the Federal Government's strategy now and for the 21st Century.
During the past ten years, retired people that are dependent on the Aged Pension have generally received an income of around 30 - 40% of their pre-retirement annual income.
We will help you to plan and achieve your expectations of a certain lifestyle in retirement.


Is your super fund right for you?

Choosing a super fund is a bit like dating. Pick the right fund and you'll be set for a long, happy and comfortable life when you retire. Set your sights on the wrong one and you're in for a world of pain. 

Most people start new employment, do not give much thought to the superannuation paperwork and tick the 'default' fund their employer offers, less paperwork, less hassle, we can fix it up later right?

Being in a 'default' superannuation fund might not necessarily be the best choice for you.

How much is your super costing you?

All super funds charge fees and costs, though some less than others. Generally, a super fund with low fees and costs will build your savings faster if it invests in the same assets. We will weigh up fees and costs against other important factors like risk, likely returns and services before we choose a super fund.


Superannuation exists to help you provide for yourself in retirement rather than relying on social security. As a result, your superannuation savings cannot be accessed until a condition of release is met, such as retirement or reaching age 65.

Advantages of investing in assets in the superannuation environment include:

  • Concessional tax treatment.

  • Ideal form of savings for retirement.

  • Insurance benefits can be attached.

  • Government co-contributions incentive.

Consolidating Super

Most Australians have more than one super fund. Over the years you move jobs, change address and eventually lose track of where your employer has paid your superannuation while working for them. Super funds cost fees to run, fees you pay which could have a massive effect on the amount of money you receive at retirement.


The benefits of putting all of your small super funds into one account include:

  • Saving costs by paying only one set of fees

  • Reducing paperwork

  • Making it easier to keep track of your super

  • Potential for more stable returns



Warning - If you're in a defined benefit fund, think very carefully and please get advice before leaving.

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